Homeschool requests must be made in writing to the Assistant Superintendent as far in advance of the school year as possible.  All requests must comply with School Committee Policy #7710 (available under the School Committee Policy tab on the website). All requests are submitted to the School Committee for approval.  Once approval is given, parent/guardian will be notified.

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Email *
Student Name *
Student Grade *
Student Date of Birth *
Local Race
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Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity
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Federal Race
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Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent/Guardian Address *
Parent/Guardian Phone *
Parent/Guardian Email *
Please detail your plans of the following subjects in consistent with RI laws,16-19-2, 16-22-2, 16-22-4 (reading, writing, geography, arithmetic, the history of the United States, the history of Rhode Island, and the principles of American government, civics, health and physical education).   *
Detailed description of curriculum to be used (if web-based, please note the website) *
Please explain in detail the instructional strategies to be used and your ability to effectively provide said instruction.  *
Does your child currently receive or qualify for IEP services?   *
Is this request due to concerns related to academics that you would like addressed by the school district?  *
If yes to above, please explain.
Is this request due to concerns you have related to social issues that you would like addressed by the school district?   *
If yes, to above, please explain.
Would you like to set up a meeting with administration to review your concerns or discuss your request?   *
Did you homeschool last year?  *
I agree, if approved, that the proposed homeschool plan will be implemented in accordance with RI General Laws 16-19-2, 16-22-2; 16-22-4; 16-19-1.   *
If homeschooled last year, did you submit the required attendance and report card information? (If you did home school last year and did not submit the information, approval will not be granted until the documents are received).
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This homeschool request is for the for the 2024/25 School year.
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