Edit a cryptocurrency on Coinranking
Please fill in the name and symbol and the information you like us to update. This form is to gather information and is not for listing purposes. It usually takes a week for your coin to be updated on Coinranking.

Or, submit a new coin

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Name of the coin *
Symbol of the coin *
This is the official abbreviation of the name. For example BTC, ETH, XRP
On which exchanges is the coin listed?
Separate exchanges with a comma (For example: Binance, Bitfinex, Kraken, etc).
Theme colour
Provide a theme colour in HEX code (for example: #2ac27a). Used for price images in the Telegram bot.
Website link
Twitter link
Reddit link
Telegram link
Facebook link
BitcoinTalk link
Discord link
Instagram link
Medium link
YouTube link
GitHub link
Mail or link to your coin logo in PNG or SVG (optional)
Mail your coin logo to info@coinranking.com or provide the link to the file here.
File name: Include the name and symbol (for example bitcoin_btc.svg)
Coin description
Describe in a minimal of 140 words what problem this coin solves and what solution it offers.
✅ Supply information and verification
Please fill in the information below in order to request supply verification.

Requirements for supply verification
  • The coin has more than 1000 holders.
  • More than 10% of the coin supply is in circulation.
  • There is organic transaction activity on the blockchain.
Issuance blockchain
A issuance blockchain is the blockchain (or are the blockchains) on which the token is issued.
Token contract address or asset ID
This is the unique identifier of the token that can be used in the block explorer. It helps us to identify the coin on the blockchain.
Link to block explorer
Wallet addresses for non-circulating supply
Provide all wallet addresses that need to be subtracted from the circulating supplies.
API link to fetch supplies
If there's an API with supply information, add the link(s) here. 
Thank you for helping us!
It usually takes 1 week for your coin to be updated on Coinranking.

w: coinranking.com     e: info@coinranking.com
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