Training for Groups
Please provide us with the following information so we can begin the registration process for training for your employees.
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Your Name *
Email address *
Phone number (optional)
Company Name *
Number of employees/participants *
Please provide the number of employees/participants you would like to purchase training for.
Do you want your employees to participate in a live Q&A session with our instructor? (recommended) *
At the end of the course, do you want your employees to receive an additional hour of review of the course material? *
Do you want a Certificate of Completion for each of your employees? *
How would you like to monitor employee progress? *
Do you need 2018 NFPA 70E Books for your employees? *
How will you be paying? *
How did you hear about us? (optional)
Anything else we need to know? (optional)
You can ask questions or make comments here.
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