Reserve Citizens Application Form
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Greetings prospective Reserve Citizens!
Our community has been asking us time and again to get more involved with the project. Therefore, we have decided to incorporate this in form of a brand new Reserve Protocol representatives program 'Reserve Citizens'

As Reserve citizens you roles would be varied and divided as poets, scribes, interpreters, legionaries and emissaries for Reserve Republic.

Each role and its description is as follows:

1) Poet - Content Creator

As content creators you will create content for the purpose of engaging the community. Content Creators are expected to launch viral marketing campaigns, craft sticker packs, infographics, text/image memes, video content, articles and so forth. Creativity is at the forefront for this role!

2) Legionary - Social Media Specialist

Interact with the Reserve Protocol community and navigate the social media landscape, evangelize the project, combat negativity, and generally be a reliable community representative. Social Media Specialists are expected to participate in discussions & promotional activities on different social media platforms, such as Reddit, Twitter, Telegram, Discord, Discourse forums, Quora, Discussion Groups etc.

3) Scribe - Technical Writer

Write detailed, informative and technical posts about Reserve Protocol and its various features and competitive advantages. Act as developer enablers and bring valued community members & developers to our technical community.

4) Emissary - Regional Ambassador (PRIORITY)

Interact with your local community and help promote Reserve Protocol to people in need of its features. Regional Ambassadors are expected to live in one of the high-inflation countries which are a potential market for Reserve Protocol. Other responsibilities of emissaries include:

i) Acting as integrators with local merchants, P2P platforms, businesses, websites, crypto to fiat providers and introduce them to Reserve Stablecoin.

ii) Getting local participants interested in trying out Reserve app for daily use.

iii) Working with crypto startups, incubators, and projects that need stablecoin.

Reward Scheme
Optio tier (everyone starts at this level)
$250 USD-equivalent in RSR Tokens at the market price at the day of payment

Centurion tier
Rewarded up to an additional $250 USD-equivalent in RSR, $500 total

Legatus tier
Rewarded up to an additional $500 USD-equivalent in RSR, $1000 total

Looking forward to your applications!
Which role do you consider yourself best fit for? *
What is your inspiration for being a Reserve Citizen? What unique skill set and value can you provide? *
For your above selected choice - give us a brief but solid action plan (bulleted format) on how you plan to add value to your role. (Min 50-100 words) *
Do you have any extensive connections with local businesses, merchants, payment providers, integrators that would like to work with Reserve stablecoin?
Which region are you based in? As a regional ambassador, in an hyperinflationary economy how would you go about promoting Reserve adoption (Min 50 words) *
Tell us more about your previous experience. Do you have traditional finance, business development or relevant background? How would that help Reserve? *
Give us a 3-6 months action that you would undertake as Reserve Citizen for your selected choice. *
Please share your Telegram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Portfolio or any other links (be detailed) *
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