Friends of Figma: Apply to start a User Group
Thanks for your interest in starting a Figma User Group. Please apply using the form below. We can't wait to connect with you.

If you have been directly referred by an existing User Group to join/take over an existing User Group, please share that with our team in the referral question. Before applying please take a moment to review our FoF User Group Leader Eligibility to ensure you qualify.

Note: Applications will be processed quarterly and limited to 10 new groups monthly.
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First and last name *
Email address (please use the email address associated with your Figma account) *
Preferred email (if different than above)
Company *
Job title *
Country *
City *
Region *
How long have you been using Figma? *
What type of user group are you looking to start? *
If you'd like to join an existing group, please share the name of the User Group Leader that referred you below.

If you were not directly referred (or aren't joining an existing FoF group) please leave this question blank.
Desired user group name (city or topic). If you're applying to be a co-lead please share the existing group name. *
Do you currently work for a Figma Partner? *
Why would you like to start a Figma User Group? *
How do you plan to grow your community? *
The key to a successful FoF group is having a plan in place. To be considered an active group, you must commit to hosting at least one event each quarter. Please share with us a plan for how you expect to structure your group and ideas for your first event (virtual or in-person). You can submit your plan this in whatever format you’d like — a brief description, a Figma file, FigJam file, video, or document!
I have read and agree to the Figma Community Code of Conduct *
I confirm I have read and signed the User Group Leader Policies
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