Sequim Good Governance League Membership Form
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The Sequim Good Governance League (SGGL) is a 501c4 nonprofit, nonpartisan civic organization formed to support and promote good governance in Sequim and the surrounding Sequim-Dungeness Valley area.

The SGGL was instrumental in helping bring good governance back to the Sequim City Council in the 2021 election and in supporting good governance candidates for the Sequim School Board and the Olympic Medical Center’s Board of Commissioners.

As we look to the future, SGGL will continue to serve as a nonpartisan government watchdog, educate the public about good governance, and help ensure that good governance-supporting candidates run and are elected to office in Clallam County.

All residents of the North Olympic Peninsula who support good governance are invited to become a member. Membership is free. To qualify for membership, a prospective member needs to complete and submit this Membership Form and be approved by the SGGL Board of Directors.

Membership in SGGL enables individuals to participate in the election of the Board of Directors, serve as a board member, participate in SGGL Membership Meetings, join the mailing list of SGGL, and help support good governance in our community.

IMPORTANT NOTE: SGGL 501c4 Membership is separate from membership to the SGGL Private Facebook Page.

The SGGL Board – PJ Harris, Dale Jarvis, Michael Lowe, Chris Walker, Ruby Coulson, and Harriet Hopgood

Your Name *
Your Email Address *
Your Home Address, City, State, Zip *
Your Cell Phone Number (optional for text communications)
Have you been involved in past SGGL Activities: *
Why do YOU want to become a member of the SGGL? *
SGGL Purpose
A. Support, encourage, and advocate for good governance principles and practices in our local government entities and by our local elected and appointed government officials and all government employees.
B. Educate local citizenry and those who seek and hold public office in the principles and practices of good governance.
C. Develop and advocate for legislation, regulations, and government programs to improve the quality of governance.

Do you support the purpose of the SGGL? *
SGGL Values
Good governance is based on, among other things: honesty, integrity, accessibility, inclusiveness, transparency, equity, diversity, competence, accountability, using facts and reason, exhibiting ethical behaviors, and respecting the rule of law.
Do you support the values of the SGGL *
What are your areas of volunteer interest?
Low Interest
Medium/High Interest
Staying Informed on Good Governance Issues
Attending Government Meetings
Reporting on Government Meetings
Reporting on Good and Bad Governance
Writing for Facebook Page/Website
Writing Letters to the Editor
Educating the Community about Good Gov.
Researching Candidates
Writing Postcards
Attending Meetings and Rallies
Door to Door Canvassing
Get Out the Vote Activities
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Other Comments
Application Date *
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