RSVP for the 2024 Welcome Dinner

The September 28th Welcome Dinner will be held outside at the Carderock Club's pavilion from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. Dinner will be catered by Cava, offering both meat and vegetarian options: grilled chicken and falafel, respectively. Newcomers (those who moved in after September 30, 2023) will receive a complimentary dinner from the Citizens' Association. Seasoned Carderockers who attend and pay ahead of time are charged $15 per adult and $5 per child aged 6-12. At the door, the costs are $25 per adult and $10 per child aged 6-12. Online payment is preferred via PayPal ( or Venmo (@CarderockSpringsCA), with checks also accepted through our Treasurer (email Please include your first and last name and the subject "Welcome Dinner" with your payment.

Thank you for signing up! If you have any questions, please reach out to me, Kimberly Young, at, or leave a question/comment at the bottom of this form.

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Your first name
Your last name
Your street number and street name (ie, 8212 Fenway Rd)
Your email
Are you a NEWCOMER to Carderock, having moved in after September 30, 2023? (Anyone living in Carderock Springs is invited to this event)
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RSVP: Can you attend the Carderock Newcomer Welcome dinner at the Club on Saturday, Sept 28? The event runs 5:00 to 8:00 pm.  
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Number of ADULTS attending
Number of KIDS attending 6-12 years old
Number of KIDS attending 0-5 years old
Will you have the meat option or the vegetarian option?
Are you available to volunteer at this event? Job duties include set up and cleanup, check in, drink distribution
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Leave your questions or comments here
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