Volunteers for Decolonize Birth Conference 2020

We are so excited that you would like to join us in assisting by volunteering your time. We are looking for a few dedicated individuals to assist during the conference activities on November 7-8, 2020. We are looking for folks serve as wayfinders, registrars, event support, childcare, etc.

Volunteers who complete a full volunteer shift will receive complimentary registration to one day of the conference. We will try to honor individual preferences but cannot guarantee you will receive registration for your preferred day.

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Email *
Full Name *
Pronouns *
What pronouns should we use to refer to you? Examples: they, she, ze, he
Phone *
Are you available to volunteer on 11/20? *
Volunteers will be assigned a shift during the conference to support with set-up, event logistics, and breakdown. We need folks as early as 9am.  We have 2 shifts available:
Are you available to volunteer on 11/21? *
Volunteers will be assigned a shift during the conference to support with set-up, event logistics, and breakdown. We need folks as early as 9am.  We have 2 shifts available:
Are you interested in providing support before the conference? *
We'll need volunteer support for flyering, preparing conference materials, and more. If you select this option, we'll be in touch about volunteer needs closer to the conference date.
Please list any special skills you have that might be useful for the conference.
Are you able to attend a volunteer orientation prior to the conference? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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