Stop the Use of Starvation as Genocide


A note for organizations:

The below letter is an initiative of the International Coalition to Stop Genocide in Palestine (ICSGP), spearheaded by ICSGP member organization the Union of Agricultural Work Committees (in Palestine).

We invite your organization to sign this open letter demanding an immediate end to the use by Israel and its allies of starvation as a tool of genocide against Palestinians; urging all states and international institutions to undertake any and all action possible to bring an immediate end to the obstruction of humanitarian, life sustaining, and life-saving supplies to Palestinians in Gaza; calling for the investigation of all state and non-state actors who have directly and indirectly participated in the obstruction and/or destruction of supplies to Gaza, and we asking that the campaign to de-fund UNRWA be investigated as a possible act toward furtherance and facilitation of starvation and/or genocide.

At present, we are gathering organizational (not individual) endorsements. We urge you to share this internally with organizations that may be supportive of this effort. Once we have gathered a significant number of endorsements, the letter will be published.

We appreciate your endorsement and any support you can provide to gather as many signing organizations as possible.



Joint Statement on the Israeli Occupation’s Use of Starvation as a Tool of Genocide in Gaza

We, the undersigned organizations and movements, vehemently denounce the Israeli occupation’s use of starvation as a tool of genocide in the Gaza Strip. The Israeli occupation's systematic destruction of Palestinian food systems, deliberate targeting of civilian infrastructure, and obstruction of humanitarian aid constitute egregious violations of international law and fundamental human rights principles.

We call on all states and international institutions to undertake any and all action possible including sanctions and arms embargoes to bring an immediate end to the obstruction of humanitarian, life sustaining, and life-saving supplies to Palestinians in Gaza, to investigate all state and non-state actors who have directly and indirectly participated in the obstruction and/or destruction of supplies to Gaza, and we ask that the campaign to de-fund UNRWA be investigated as a possible act toward furtherance and facilitation of starvation and/or genocide.

The deliberate withholding of essential resources, including food, with the intent of starving the Palestinian population of Gaza constitutes a gross violation of international law, human rights, and the principles of justice and humanity. Article II (c) of the Genocide Convention defines as genocide "Deliberately inflicting on [a national, ethnical, racial or religious] group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part." The Israeli occupation’s deliberate destruction of Palestinian food systems and obstruction of humanitarian aid by Israel clearly fall within the ambit of this definition. These actions also flagrantly violate the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, which safeguards the rights of civilians during times of armed conflict, and constitute crimes against humanity, as recognized under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

The disruption and destruction of Palestinian food systems by the Israeli occupation exacerbate the dire situation in Gaza and are not merely intended to starve the population in the short term. The current deliberate targeting by Israel of agricultural lands, livestock, and fishing boats (a genocidal intensification of 75 years of brutal settler colonial occupation that has denied Palestinians their right to self-rule) further undermines the ability of Palestinians to access and produce food, and is intended to ensure their ongoing poverty and malnutrition, and deny them the fundamental right to food sovereignty. Just as the bombing of civilian populations in Gaza constitute "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group," these too are genocidal acts to which not only Israel but all the countries, individuals and corporations supplying weapons to and otherwise supporting the Israeli Occupation Forces are complicit. Similarly, the ongoing attacks on and defunding of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) by Israel's allies makes them complicit in the use of starvation as genocide.

We demand that all possible actions, including those mentioned above, be taken to end the use of starvation as genocide in Gaza, and that the perpetrators of and accomplices to this heinous crime be brought to justice.


  1. Union of Agricultural Work Committees, Palestine
  2. Palestinian Assembly for Liberation, International
  3. PAL Commission on War Crimes, International
  4. Global Legal Alliance for Palestine, International
  5. La Vía Campesina, International
  6. World March of Women, International
  7. FIAN International, International
  8. Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra / MST, Brazil
  9. Popular Resistance, USA
  10. Black Alliance for Peace, USA
  12. Palestine Solidarity Alliance Youth League (PSA YL), South Africa
  13. International Association of Democratic Lawyers, International
  14. Palestinian Youth Movement - حركة الشباب الفلسطيني, North America and Europe
  15. Comité Internacional Paz, Justicia y Dignidad a los Pueblos, International
  16. Consejo de Educación Popular de América Latina y el Caribe - CEAAL International
  17. Asamblea Social de Luchas y Resistencias del Foro Social Mundial International
  18. Universidad Popular de Movimientos Sociales (UPMS), International
  19. National Lawyers Guild, USA
  20. PAL-Awda NY/NJ, USA
  21. PAL-Awda Ohio, USA
  22. La Araña Feminista/ MMM Venezuela
  23. Asociación Egeria desarrollo social, Spain
  24. Uno y Múltiple (Antropologías de Venezuela) Venezuela
  25. Mujeres por la Paz, Spain
  26. Movimiento Evita, Argentina
  27. Keshab Khadka, Nepal
  28. Tax and Fiscal Justice Alliance, Nepal 
  29. Fórum de Política Feminista de Granada, Spain
  30. Food Sovereignty and Climate Justice Forum, Nepal
  31. Canadian Voices for Palestinian Rights, Canada
  32. ContrahegemoniaWeb, Argentina
  33. Liga de Unidad Socialista (LUS), Mexico
  34. Colectivo de Reflexión Universitario (CRU) de la Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico
  35. Opal Group, International
  36. Comite de Solidadid con Palestina en Guadalajara, Mexico
  37. Mexiro AC, Mexico
  38. Movimiento Comunista Mexicano - MCM Núcleo Jalisco, Mexico
  39. Transcontingenta, Mexico
  41. Movimiento Garibaldi, Mexico
  42. Memoria y resistencia, Mexico
  43. Asociación de la comunidad hispanopalestina Jerusalén, Spain
  44. Intersindical Soludària, Spain
  45. Mujeres Por La Igualdad Calo, Spain
  46. Partido Comunista de los Pueblos de España (PCPE), Spain
  47. Forum de Política Feminista Córdoba Spain
  48. Bizilur, Basque Country
  49. Comité de solidaridad con los pueblos - Interpueblos Cantabria, Spain
  50. Foro Feminista de Castilla y León, Spain
  51. ADAVAS - León, Spain
  52. Fórum Feminista de Madrid, Spain
  53. Sindicato Independiente de Trabajadores de la Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México, Mexico
  54. Peace Action Montgomery, USA
  55. Migrant Roots Media, USA
  56. Quad Cities Coalition for Palestine, USA
  57. International Jurists Union IJU - Geneva office, Switzerland
  58. Geneva Centre for Democracy & Human Rights, Switzerland
  59. Centro di ricerca ed elaborazione per la democrazia (CRED), Italy
  60. Students for Justice in Palestine at the University of Illinois - Chicago, USA
  61. Chicago United Solidarity Project (CUSP), USA
  62. American Civic and Humanitarian Coalition, USA
  63. Environmentalists Against War, USA
  64. Foro Internacional de Víctimas (Cap. Bélgica), Belgium
  65. Vida Brasil, Brazil
  66. National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP), USA
  67. Law Students for a Free Palestine (LSFP National), USA
  68. Law Students for Justice in Palestine, Chicago (LSJP Chicago), USA
  69. Nadeem Center against Violence and Torture, Egypt
  70. Refugees Platform In Egypt (RPE), Egypt
  71. Oasis Legal Services, USA
  72. Colectivo de Mujeres Atalanta, Spain
  73. Transnational Institute, Netherlands
  74. Asociación Nacional de ayuda solidaria ANDAS, Colombia
  75. Confederacion Intersindical, Spain
  76. Frente Antiimperialista Internacionalista, Spain
  77. Quad Cities DSA, USA
  78. Labor for Palestine, USA
  79. International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN), International
  80. Jews for Palestinian Right of Return, USA
  81. Centro de Intercambio y Referencia Iniciativa Comunitaria, Cuba
  82. Palestinian Feminist Collective, International
  83. MA'AN Development Center, Palestine
  84. MUSAWA- The Palestinian Center for the Independence of the Judiciary and the Legal Profession, Palestine
  85. Vegans for Palestine, International 
  86. Asociación Jorge Adolfo Freytter Romero. Estudios sobre Violencia Política en América Latina y en su especialidad: Universidades Públicas Colombianas, Bizkaia, Basque Country
  87. Colectivo Indignado Valladolid, Spain
  88. CODEPINK, Miami Valley, USA 
  89. National Lawyers Guild-San Francisco Bay Area chapter, USA
  90. Local Communities Organization - Palestine, Palestine - West Bank 
  91. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, International
  92. Asociación Americana de Juristas, International 
  93. Arab Human Rights Foundation, Yemen
  94. BDZ Nafarroa, Basque Country
  95. Palestina Toma la Calle, Spain
  96. Students for Justice in Palestine - DePaul University, USA
  97. ANSWER Coalition - Chicago, USA
  98. Colectivo El Salvador Elkartasuna, Euskal Herria 
  99. En Modo Violeta, Venezuela 
  100. Ciranda Net Brasil, Brasil
  101. Marcha Mundial de las Mujeres Macronorte Perú, Perú 
  102. Christian Jewish Allies For a Just Peace in Israel-Palestine, USA
  103. LSJP Chicago, United States
  104. Coalition Against Trafficking in Women - Asia Pacific (CATW-AP), Philippines
  105. IUF Asia/Pacific, Asia-Pacific 
  106. (YSAGE) Youth and Students Advancing Gender Equality, South East Asia
  107. Federación Nacional de cooperativas agropecuarias Fenacoa, Colombia 
  108. Asociacion Comunitaria Manantial Guacaica, Colombia
  109. Asociación de mujeres por la paz y la defensa de los derechos de la mujer colombiana -ASODEMUC, Colombia 
  110. Plataforma Solidaria con Palestina de Valladolid, Spain
  111. Karnataka Rajya Raitha Sangha (KRRS), India
  112. Babgladesh Agricultural Farm Labour Federation [BAFLF], Bangladesh
  113. National Fisheries Solidarity Movement- Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka 
  114. Association Djazairouna des familles victimes du terrorisme, Algeria
  115. Plataforma de feminismo popular de Venezuela, Venezuela
  116. Plant Based Diets Rock!, USA
  117. Ermuko komite internazionalistak, Basque Country
  118. The Right to Agrarian Reform for Food Sovereignty, South Africa
  119. Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development- PWWSD, Palestine
  120. SJP Chicago, United States
  121. Plant-based Health Justice, United Kingdom
  122. Action for Palestine Switzerland, Switzerland
  123. Comité de Vigilance pour la Démocratie en Tunisie, Belgium 
  124. The Socialist Workers Movement of Kenya, Kenya
  125. Mujeres Supervivientes de Sevilla, Spain, Spain
  126. Jewish-Palestinian Dialogue Group Munich, Germany
  127. Bergen County Green Party, United States
  128. Montreal for a World BEYOND War, Canada
  129. Linear Lines - MENA, Middle East, North Africa - Based in Beirut, Lebanon
  130. Youth for peace and Dialogue, Morocco 
  131. Egypt Democratic Association EDA, Egypt 
  132. Middle East Justice and Peace Group of South Central PA, USA
  133. Women and Society ASSOCIATION, EGYPT
  134. Palestinian Christians in Australia, Australia
  135. ATIM (Asociación de Trabajadores e Inmigrantes Marroquíes), Spain
  136. Socialist Labour Party, UK
  137. Damascus Center for Theoretical and Civil Rights, Syria
  138. France Palestine Mental Health Network, FRANCE
  139. Liga Comunista de México/Fracción Revolucionaria José Revueltas, México
  140. XR Peace (UK), UK
  141. Peace Action WI, USA
  142. Asociación Cultural Las afueras, Spain
  143. Smith SJP, USA
  144. Confederación de Movimientos de Renovación Pedagogica, Spain
  145. Xarxa D'Ajuda Mutua Alimentaria ONG (XAMA), Spain
  146. HUMANITAS: The Africana Ethical Society, USA
  147. Cumindad Palestina arab unida, Spain
  148. Red Wiphalas/Wiphalas Network, Bolivia/International
  149. Icelandic Women's Association for Culture and Peace (MFÍK)r, Iceland
  150. Public Intellectuals for Social and Spare Change, USA
  151. Party of Communists USA, USA
  152. Inminds Human Rights Group, UK
  153. Resistance Kitchen, UK
  154. St. Groningen-Jabalya, the Netherlands
  155. Dandelion Marketplace LLC, United States
  156. Jornada Se Acabaron Las Promesas, Puerto Rico
  157. Un Ponte Per, Italy
  158. frantz fanon foundation, International
  159. Ibrahim Jame Mosque, Canada
  160. Jewish Voice for Peace Detroit Chapter, USA
  161. World Beyond War Australia, Australia
  162. Pax Christi Australia, Australia
  163. Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Justice and Peace Centre, Australia
  164. Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance, Australia
  165. Local Alliance for Mideast Peace (LAMP), USA
  166. MAWO, Canada
  167. Utahns for a Just Peace in the Holy Land, USA
  168. City of Asylum/Detroit, USA
  169. Peace Movement Aotearoa, New Zealand
  170. Chicago Area Peace Action, USA
  171. El Enjambre Colectivo, Puerto Rico
  172. Just Peace Qld Inc. Australia , Australia 
  173. Fundación Chile Sin Ecocidio, Chile
  174. Assembly of the Poor , Thailand 
  175. Rural Initiatives for Community and Ecology Association, Thailand
  176. Thai Poor Act, Thailand 
  177. Extinction Rebellion San Francisco Bay Area, USA
  178. Oil and Gas Action Network, USA
  179. KRuHA - people's coalition for the right to water , Indonesia 
  180. American Student Union, USA
  181. League of Young Communists USA, USA
  182. Rebellmammorna Stockholm, Sweden 
  183. Intern. No to war - no to NATO network , International
  184. Comité Cerezo México, México
  185. STOP the War Coalition Philippines, Philippines
  186. Federació de Moviments de Renovació Pedagògica del PV , Spain 
  187. Focus on the Global South, Thailand, Cambodia, Philippines, India
  188. Vrede vzw, Belgium
  189. Nova Scotia Voice of Women for Peace , Canada
  190. International Volunteers for Peace, inc, Australia
  191. Scandinavian Institute for Human Rights /FHM, Geneva
  192. Sociedad Española de Química y Medio Ambiente, Spain
  193. Centro de Estudios e Investigación sobre Mujeres CEIM, Spain
  194. ATTAC SPAIN, Spain
  196. Almere for Palestine , Holland
  197. International Peace Bureau (IPB), International 
  198. Initiative marocaine pour la solidarité , Morocco
  199. Iraq Welfare Organisation, United Kingdom
  200. AWMR Italia - Donne della Regione Mediterranea, Italy
  201. Amigues de la Terra València, Spain
  202. Comité Palestine 47 AFPS, France
  203. BLACK LIVES MATTER UK, United Kingdom
  204. Mothers Rebellion France , France
  205. Slingshot Media, Palestine
  206. World BEYOND War, International
  207. GRAIN, International
  208. EqualHealth´s Campaign Against Racism, International
  209. Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions - Germany, Germany
  210. Peace Pentagon / Oracle Institute, USA
  211. Colectivo Las Amazonas, Venezuela
  212. The Peace Movement of Orust, Sweden
  213. Pax Christi Canada, Canada
  214. Associação Intervenção Democrática - ID, Portugal
  215. Colombia Solidarity - Denmark
  216., USA
  217. Mothers* Rebellion for Climate Justice UK, UK
  218. Jewish Voice for Peace - Madison, Wisconsin, USA
  219. Womens International League for Peace and Freedom Canada, Canada
  220. Bottna för Fred (BFF) Hamburgsund, Sverige, Sweden
  221. Top End Peace Alliance, Australia
  222. Independent Peaceful Australia Network , Australia
  223. Australians for a Free West Papua - Darwin, Australia
  224. National Lawyers Guild–Los Angeles, USA
  225. Doctors Against Genocide, USA
  226. Unite Union, New Zealand
  227. Canadian Dimension (online magazine), Canada
  228. Consumers' Association of Penang, Malaysia
  229. Sahabat Alam Malaysia - Friends of the Earth Malaysia, Malaysia
  230. Empower Oceanside , USA
  231. Mothers Rebellion Norge, Norway
  232. Movimento Democratico de Mulheres Portugal, Portugal
  233. Women in Black Leuven, International
  234. The Union Collective, Denmark, Denmark
  235. Medact, UK
  236. Red Antirracista, Spain
  237. Instituto Multiverso Brazil, Brazil
  238. Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, International
  239. Movimiento Estudiantil Cristiano de Cuba, Cuba
  240. Global Women United For Peace Against NATO (GWUAN), International
  241. PAH Barcelona, Spain 
  242. Tri-People's Organization against Disasters (TRIPOD), Philippines
  243. Madison-Rafah Sister City Project, USA
  244. Women's International League for Peace & Freedom - Madison WI Branch, USA
  245. CodePink Osaka Japan, Japan 
  246. Vzw Palestina Solidariteit, Belgium
  247. BIPOC USHR, Canada
  248. Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, U.S. Section, USA
  249. Women's Centre for Social Justice, o/a WomenatthecentrE, Canada
  250. Canadian Council of Muslim Women, Canada
  251. Rochester Students for Justice in Palestine, USA
  252. Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa, Aotearoa New Zealand
  253. Extinction Rebellion US, USA
  254. Boycott from Within (Israeli citizens for BDS), Israel 
  255. Queer Mikveh Project, USA
  256. Jisoor, USA
  257. Council of Agencies Serving South Asians (CASSA), Canada
  258. Driftless Palestinian Solidarity, USA
  259. Multi-stakeholders Initiatives Humanitarian Action against Disasters (MIHANDS), Philippines
  260. Building Unity Wisconsin, USA
  261. 718 Coalition, USA
  262. Sindicato andaluz de trabajadores (SOC/SAT), Spain
  263. Memphis 4 Revolutionary Socialism, USA
  264. Milwaukee Muslim Women’s Coalition, USA
  265. Solidarity for Palestine -La Crosse, USA
  266. Echo Valley Hope, USA
  267. Rebeldia - Juventude da Revolução Socialista, Brazil
  268. DSA International Committee, USA
  269. Frente em Defesa do Povo Palestino SP, Brazil
  270. Progressive Democrats of America - Central New Mexico, USA
  271. Comitato fiorentino FERMIAMO LA GUERRA, Italy
  272. Peace Women Partners, International
  273. Korea Policy Institute, USA
  274. Perserikatan Sosialis (Socialist Union), Indonesia
  275. Extinction Rebellion France, France
  276. Medical Association for Prevention of War (Australia), Australia
  277. Friends of the Earth Australia, Australia
  278. Friends of the Earth Asia Pacific, Asia-Pacific: Australia, Japan, South Korea, Russia, Palestine, Malaysia,
  279. Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Philippines, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh
  280. Partido Manggagawa, Philippines
  281. INHURED International, Nepal 
  282. Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Norway, Norway
  283. Tunisian Human Rights League, Tunisia 
  284. Kilusan para sa Pambansang Demokrasya, Philippines
  285. Stikado, Norway
  286. International Institute for Research and Education -Manila, Philippines
  287. FIAN Switzerland for the Right to Food, Switzerland
  288. Coulee Region Coalition for Palestinian Rights (CRCPR), USA
  289. California Scholars for Academic Freedom, USA
  290. Bruxelles Panthères, Belgium
  291. Mouvement Citoyen Palestine, Belgium
  292. European Coordination Via Campesina, Belgique
  293. Earth Care, USA
  294. Alliance for Global Justice, USA
  295. The Future is US, USA
  296. Veterans For Peace Santa Fe Chapter, USA
  297. Winona Community Not Cages, USA, USA
  298. Los Ronderos de las Redes, USA
  299. Backbone Campaign, USA
  300. Bay Area Muslim mental health collaborative, USA
  301. ESPP - Comitê de Estudantes em Solidariedade ao Povo Palestino USP (Universidade de São Paulo), Brazil
  302. Free Psychotherapy Network, UK
  303. Jewish Network for Palestine, UK
  304. International Organization for the Oneness of the Arab Peoples, Jordan
  305. International Solidarity for Academic Freedom in India (InSAF India), International
  306. Santa Feans for Justice in Palestine, USA
  307. Hindus for Human Rights, USA
  308. Inter-Faith Committee on Latin America (IFCLA), USA
  309. Maine Green Independent Party, USA
  310. Open Food Network, International
  311. Chile Sin Ecocidio, Chile
  312. Tarjimly, USA
  313. Sari-Sari Women of Color Arts Coup, USA
  314. Pan End It!, USA
  315. Kashif, USA
  316. India Labour Solidarity (UK), UK
  317. Bangladeshi-Americans for Political Progress (BAPP), USA
  318. Comunitat Energètica d'Alcàsser, Spain
  319. Mississippians for Palestine, USA
  320. Alyansa ng mga Mamamayan para sa Karapatang Pantao (Alliance of Peoples for Human Rights), Philippines (Mindanao)
  321. The Black Liberation Alliance, UK
  322. Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East, USA
  323. Clean Power Coalition of Southeast Wisconsin, USA
  324. Feria Conuquera Agroecológica, Venezuela
  325. Food Sovereignty and Climate Justice Forum/ANPFa, Nepal
  326. All Nepal Peasants Federation, Nepal
  327. Teachers Empowering Youth Activists (TEYA), USA
  328. Colossa Foundation, Africa (Regional)
  329. Marianas for Palestine, Guam and CNMI
  330. Prutehi Litekyan Save Ritidia, Guam
  331. Canadian Peoples' Union, Canada
  332. Calgray Anti-racist Action, Canada
  333. Korea Policy Institute, USA
  334. SOS Racismo - Portugal, Portugal
  335. Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East (Germany), Germany
  336. NOAH - Friends of the Earth Denmark, Denmark
  337. Kilusan para sa Repormang Agraryo at Katarungang Panlipunan (KATARUNGAN), Philippines
  338. Convergence Globale des Luttes terres et eaux CGLTE-OA, East Africa (regional)
  339. National Lawyers Guild - St. Louis Chapter, USA
  340. The lebanese women democratic gathering RDFL, Lebanon
  341. Corporación Programa La Caleta, Chile
  343. Institute for the Critical Study of Zionism, USA
  344. Centro de Documentación en Derechos Humanos "Segundo Montes Mozo S.J." (CSMM), Ecuador
  345. Alianza Latinoamericana por Palestina contra el Apartheid, Latinoamerica
  346. Right to Food Campaign, India, India
  347. Masifundise Development Trust, South Africa
  348. ETC Group (Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration), Mexico, Canada and Philippines Comhlámh, Ireland
  349. Centre for Global Education, Ireland
  350. Labour For Palestine - Canada, Canada
  351. Initiative for a Free Palestine - Croatia, Croatia
  352. Doctors in Unite, national branch of Unite the Union , UK
  353. Nutrition Foundation Nepal, Nepal
  355. Amigos de la Tierra, España, Spain
  356. Buzuruna Juzuruna, Lebanon
  357. Rural Vermont, USA
  358. ATALC, Latin America and the Caribbean
  359. Otros Mundos Chiapas/Amigos de la Tierra México, Mexico
  360. Tierra Nativa / Amigos de la Tierra Argentina, Argentina
  361. Censat Agua Viva - Amigos de la Tierra Colombia, Colombia
  362. COECOCEIBA - Amigos de la Tierra, Costa Rica
  363. CESTA Friends of the Earth, El Salvador
  364. NOrdBruk, Sweden
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