Liberation Academy 3.0 INTENSIVE Application  for Dance Makers of Afro-descent 
NOTE: all classes will happen at Dance Mission Theater studios
  • Application Deadline: Monday, September 9 by 5pm PST
  • Mandatory Intro Dance Class: Saturday, September 14  1-3pm 
  • Mandatory Intensive AUDITION: Saturday, September 14  3:30-5:30pm 
  • Mandatory Intensive ORIENTATION: Sunday, September 15  1-5pm 
  • Mandatory Workshops: 9/21, 9/22, 9/28, 10/5, 10/12, 10/19, 10/20, 11/9, 11/16, 12/6, 12/7, 12/8, 1/4, 1/11, 1/18
  • Mandatory Work-in-Progress Showings/Tech Rehearsals: 11/17, 1/19, 2/1, 2/2
  • Mandatory Performances: 2/8 @ 7pm & 2/9 @ 3pm
  • Field Trip to Step Afrika performance at CalPerformances: 11/2 
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Applicant's Full Name *
Applicant's Current Address *
Applicant's Phone Number *
Do you identify as Black, African American, or of Afro-descent? *
Audition and Orientation: The Liberation Academy Intensive audition and orientation are both mandatory. Please select YES/NO if you can attend. 
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Why do you want to be part of the Liberation Academy Intensive for Dance Makers of Afro-descent? What's exciting to you about this opportunity? What do you want to get out of the intensive and what can you bring? *
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