Poker Night Fundraiser Registration
Event Timing: November 16, 2023 - 5:30 PM Check In, 6:00 Tourney Starts
Early Bird Registration - 25% increase in starting chips - Ends Friday, October 20
Registration Closes - Sunday, November 5 at 8 PM
Event Address: Del Frisco's Grille (772 Spectrum Center Dr, Irvine, CA 92618)
Contact us at (714) 785-5405 orĀ
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Full Name *
Email (for Updates to Event if Necessary) *
Culverdale Elementary Student & Grade (List Multiple Children if Appropriate)
Organization (If Sponsoring)
Player or Sponsorship Payment *
Please make a payment with the link above to complete your registration. Scroll down to "Poker Night Fundraiser" to complete the appropriate selection. Registrations submitted without payment will likely not be honored at the tournament due to limited availability.
I understand that I will be required to sign a participate waiver for this event. Waiver can be downloaded ahead of the event from the website under "Volunteer With Us". Failure to complete and sign the form at the event will result in disqualification of participation in the event and no refunds of donations will be issued. *
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