San Diego County Solo & Ensemble Festival Application
Deadline to register is Friday May 4th
Festival date is Saturday May 19th
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Primary Contact First Name *
Primary Contact Last Name *
Primary Contact Email Address *
Confirm Email Address *
Primary Contact Phone Number *
Parent/Guardian Name
Parent/Guardian Phone Number
Time Requests
We will do our best to accommodate requests but there is no guarantee you will receive the time selected.
How many performers in this group? *
If multiple performers, please list the names and instruments of all performers *
Do you have an accompanist? *
If you do have an accompanist, what is their name? *
If you do not have an accompanist, would you like to have one referred to you? *
How would you describe your performance? *
i.e; Flute Solo, Saxophone Quartet, Percussion Ensemble, etc.
Please list the title, composer and approximate length of your piece. *
i.e; Movement I of Mozart Clarinet Concerto, Duet for Flute by John Smith, etc. This can be changed later.
If your piece is longer than 7 minutes you can request a double time slot which will allow you to perform up to 14 minutes. Would you like to request a double time slot for an additional fee? *
School Name *
Music Teacher Name *
Grade Level *
Check the grade levels of anyone in your group
If you are selected to give a command performance, are you able to commit to perform during the evening showcase at 6p.m.? *
Check the grade levels of anyone in your group
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