Our 2024 Stratford Theatre Festival Trip!

Our 2024 trip to the Theatre Festival in Stratford, Ontario is scheduled for Thursday, September 26th through Sunday, September 29th

We will stay at the Bruce Hotel, located steps away from the Festival Theatre, with easy access to the Avon Theatre, The Studio Theatre, restaurants (in all price ranges), and shopping. Learn more about the 2024 Festival and plays here: the Stratford 2024 Season.

The deadline to register is Monday, May 20. If you have a specific question about registration, please write to stratfordtrip@carthage.edu. Full payment will be due June 1.

Finally, you must have a valid passport on your person when we depart for Stratford.  If you do not comply with this regulation, we cannot allow you to board the bus.

We are looking forward to having you join us for this wonderful trip – and remember to invite a friend or two!!!

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Email *
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If you are currently a student or employee of Carthage, what is your ID? (If you are neither, please enter N/A.)
PLEASE NOTE:  STUDENTS ARE PLACED 3 or 4 PER ROOM.  You may specify preferred roommates, and we will do our best to honor your selections.

This cost includes round-trip bus transportation, hotel accommodations for Thursday and Friday nights, full breakfast buffet at the hotel on Friday and Saturday mornings, and seats for six performances.

Please check one:
Preferred roommate #1 (if applicable):
Preferred roommate #2 (if applicable):
Preferred roommate #3 (if applicable):
Play selection for Friday afternoon's performance:
Play selection for Friday evening's performance:
Canada requires a valid passport for entry. Please initial here that you will have a valid passport by the time of departure. (If you don't yet have a passport, Prof. García will provide application instructions at the Stratford information sessions. You can also check in with him directly if you're unable to make the information sessions.)
Were you born outside of the United States?
Please indicate whether you will travel with us on the bus or whether you will travel to and from Stratford on your own. (Please note: There is no reduction in cost for travelers who do not use the bus.)
For those not taking the bus, will you need a hotel room reserved for Saturday night at additional cost?
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Other needs or requests:
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