TEAM Application
Central Kitsap School District NO. 401
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Email *
Date of Application *
Student Name *
Grade Level for 2025-26 school year *
Current Grade Level *
Current School *
Previous Schools Attended *
Student's Full Address *
Mailing Address if Different
Resident of Central Kitsap School District   (Proof of Residency required at registration) *
Name Parent/Guardian 1 *
Phone Number Parent/Guardian 1 *
Email Parent/Guardian 1 *
Name Parent/Guardian 2
Phone Number Parent/Guardian 2
Email Parent/Guardian 2
CKSD Employee *
Are other siblings also applying to TEAM? *If so, please complete a separate application for each child applying. *
Does this applicant have a sibling currently in TEAM? *
If YES, list name(s) and grade level(s) of siblings
Describe your child's STRENGTHS as a learner *
Describe your child's NEEDS as a learner *
How do you envision TEAM benefiting your child? *
Why do you think TEAM would be a good fit for your family? *
Press the purple SUBMIT button. *Remember to fill out a separate application for each child applying.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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