2024 Radio Skills Course
VECTOR is planning to offer a Radio Skills course for, in order of priority:
* recent graduates of VECTOR's Amateur Radio License course
* VECTOR members
* certified amateur radio operators 

The objective of the course is to help participants gain on-air experience and practical skills while collaborating with members of the VECTOR community. An amateur radio license and a VHF radio are REQUIRED to participate. A tentative outline of course modules:

Week 1: Using your radio to have a conversation:
    Tones, timers, signal reports, programming, etc.
    Through a repeater, on a directed net, with tactical callsigns, interruptions, etc.

Week 2: Using your radio to have a conversation:
     Radiograms and Packet Radio (Winlink, APRS, etc.)

Week 3: Advanced topics
    Grab-and-go kits, ICS-213

Week 4: More advanced topics
    Digital, HF & CW, SSTV, VECTOR, radio equipment selection

The course will be held at City Hall (453 West 12th Ave, Vancouver). on four Tuesday evenings 6:30 - 9:00pm.

On-air radio sessions will be held Thursday evenings at 7:30pm for about 1 hour. These are an integral part of the course and participation is required. Participants MUST have their own VHF radio, programmed with a minimum of the first 12 channels in the VECTOR frequency list (https://vectorradio.ca/ops/frequency-list/) and ideally a VHF/UHF radio programmed with the complete VECTOR frequency list.

New and active VECTOR members are encouraged to enroll. The course is offered free of charge to VECTOR members. There is a fee of $20 for non-VECTOR members.
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 Full Name (Last, First) *
Industry Canada Call Sign *
If you are in the current Amateur Radio License class, and will be receiving it shortly, please put the word PENDING in the field below..
Are you a recent graduate of the Basic Certification Course? *
Are you a member of VECTOR? *
Email Address *
Course details will be sent to this address
Phone Number *
The radio you'll be using for the instructional nets *
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