Women in Politics - Application Form
The Victoria Chapter of Women’s March Canada is publishing a Women in Politics Guide and would like to profile and highlight exceptional women in politics in the Victoria community.

We would like to invite you to fill out our application form and describe your political career and your role in the community.  

If you would like to be featured in our Guide, please fill out the application form below. Please include 3-4 high-resolution photos (please attach with your application as JPEG files) of you and your work. There is a non-refundable application fee of $15. Please submit this form, and send photos and e-transfer to the editor, Dr. Kat Sark (katrina.sark@mail.mcgill.ca).

Please feel free to share the attached application form with other women you would like to recommend.
We look forward to working with you on this publication!

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Your name *
Your political affiliation(s) *
Website link *
Communities / causes you support (women, environment, refugees, etc.): *
What organization are you affiliated with? What challenges do you face within this organization? *
What challenges (personal and professional) did you have to overcome to embark on a career in politics? *
What is your political vision (for yourself, for your community, and for other women)?   *
How do you deal with sexism / discrimination in politics? What advice would you give to other women confronted with sexism / racism/ classism/ or discrimination? *
What inspires you? *
How do you inspire others? *
If you would start all over again what would you do differently? *
How could we learn more from Indigenous communities? *
What are some specific challenges for female politicians in Victoria? *
What would you recommend to young women getting into politics? *
What are your goals for the next year? (point form or 1-2 sentences max) *
Inspirational quote (optional):
Your own question and answer here:
                                                Thank you for your time!
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