Witness Support Feedback Form
The vision of the Bailiwick of Guernsey Victim Support and Witness Service (VS&WS) is to ensure that victims and witnesses of crime within our community have access to support of the highest standard. We would appreciate your feedback on the service, to ensure this can happen. 
This will be confidential and no personal data will be collected unless you require further support, in which case you can input contact details at the end. 

Our privacy notice can be accessed using the link below: 

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How satisfied were you with the Witness Support you received?
Very dissatisfied
Very satisfied
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Add a comment about the support you received:
How helpful were the staff that contacted you?
Very unhelpful
Very helpful
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Please explain your answer
Did you attend a Pre-Trial Visit?
If yes, you would have attended Victim Support and Witness Service before the court date, to have a tour of the court room.
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If yes, was this useful? Please explain your answer.
Did you have volunteer support in court?
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If yes, did you find this helpful? Please explain your answer.
Was there anything particularly good about the Victim Support you received?
Was there anything Victim Support and Witness Service can improve upon?
Are there any further comments you wish to make about the service?
Do you require any further support from Victim Support and Witness Service?
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If yes, please provide contact details below.
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