Our Community Name(s) Survey
The purpose of this survey is to identify which new labels or names would most help people in our community find a meeting that supports their needs. Depending on the outcome, we may approach OA and ask them to add new labels or names to their Find a Meeting search options. • Please read all the questions carefully before answering. We're collecting emails to ensure that everyone only takes the survey once. After the survey closes, the email data will be deleted before we look at the results, so your responses will be kept confidential. THIS SURVEY CLOSES SUNDAY, JULY 25, 2021.
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SPECIAL FOCUS: If you visit www.oa.org/find-a-meeting, you can search for OA meetings that have a particular "Special Focus." This refers to the type of community you'd like to be with, in a meeting. The Special Focus options currently available on the website are:
If the following options were available, which ONE would you choose to help you find a meeting?
What would be your second choice to help you find a meeting? PLEASE DO NOT CHOOSE THE SAME OPTION TWICE (a double answer will be thrown out in the final tally)!
3.  Is there any other Special Focus label you'd like to see added to the list? (Remember, Special Focus refers to the type of community you'd like to be with, in a meeting.)
Please keep this to 3 words or less.
4. SPECIAL FOCUS: If you were searching for a meeting and could select as many options as you wished, are there any labels below that you would probably NEVER choose?  (Multiple responses possible.)
SPECIAL TOPIC: At www.oa.org/find-a-meeting, you can also search for OA meetings that have various "Special Topics." This refers to the meeting's specific topic, issue, or activity. The Special Topic options currently available on the website currently are:
Of the following topic options, which ONE would you choose when looking for a meeting?
What would be your second choice to help you find a meeting. PLEASE DO NOT CHOOSE THE SAME OPTION TWICE (a double answer will be thrown out in the final tally)!
7. Is there any other Special Topics label you'd like to see added to the list? (Remember, a Special Topic refers to the meeting's specific topic or activity.)
Please keep this to 3 words or less.
8. SPECIAL TOPICS: If you were searching for a meeting and could select as many options as you wished, are there any labels below that you would probably NEVER choose?  (Multiple responses possible)
9. How do you identify by belief? I'm primarily: *
10. Regardless of your personal belief, do you think it is necessary for everybody's recovery to believe in God or another deity or mystical higher power? *
11. Which of these meetings have you attended? *
You can choose several options.
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