Singareni Collieries Women's Degree & PG College, Kothagudem
Re-accredited with NAAC 'A' Grade
ISO Certified 9001:2015
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Employers Feedback on Institution
Name of the Organization *
Name of the Employer *
Designation *
Mobile *
1. How do you rate the relevance of the topics, courses, programmes offered by the the institutions in relation to industry requirement *
2. How do you rate the domain knowledge and technical skills of the students of this institution who are employed with you *
3. How do you integrate the cross cutting issues relevant to professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment and Sustainability into the curriculum *
4. How do you rate the commitment, Responsibility and abilities to work in a group and leadership skills of the alumni(presently your employees) *
5. How do you rate the alumni(your employees) on abilities to manage relationship( Senior, Subordinate and Peer group) *
6. How do you rate the alumni (your employees) towards involvement in social activities *
7.  How do you rate the alumni (your employees) in obliging to work beyond schedule, if required *
8. How do you rate ability of alumni (your employees) contribution for achieving the goals of your organization *
9. How do you rate the alumni (your employees) able to function effectively in multidisciplinary teams *
10. What are the other training sessions and addon courses that you suggest to be included in the curriculum to fulfill the industry environment *
Suggestions if any *
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