Hi! Thank you so much for choosing me to help you plan your upcoming vacation! I'll need some information so I know exactly what you're looking for. Once I receive your completed form, we can get started. I'll get back to you as soon as possible with some options. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to working with you and helping you plan a magical vacation! 

Lauren MacVane ~ Travel Advisor

Beachmom's Travel / Magical Adventures Travel

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Email *
First and Last Name *
Mobile Phone Number (or best number to reach you) *
City and State you live in *
How did you hear about me?  *
If you were referred to me by someone you know, please let me know their name so I can thank them for the referral! :)
How many adults over 18 years old in your travel party? *
How many children (17 years or younger) in your travel party? *
Please list the name and age of everyone in your travel party. To ensure proper pricing, please list ages everyone will be at the time of travel.  *
Dates of Travel (exact or range) and if range is given, how many nights would you like to stay or cruise?  *
Are your dates flexible? *
What type of vacation are you interested in? *
Where would you like to go? *
What type of Resort Category are you interested in? *
Do you have a particular Resort / Cruise Line  in mind? If so, please list them here.  If not, I’ll be more than happy to help find the best options for you.  *
For Disney / Universal Vacations Only... Do you need park Tickets?  *
For Disney / Universal Vacations Only... Are you interested in the following options?
Cruise Only - What cruise line and ship are you interested in? If you're not sure, I'll be more than happy to help you choose the perfect one. 
What room category are you most interested in? *
If you're traveling to the Caribbean or Mexico... Are you looking for all-inclusive resort?  (Includes food and beverages) *
What are you looking for on this vacation? *
What is your budget for this trip without airfare? It’s important to know what you’re comfortable spending before we start planning.  *
Are you celebrating anything on this trip?

Is anyone in your travel party a member of the Police, Fire, EMS, FEMA, Military or a Federal or State Government Employee, or have a AAA membership? If yes, please indicate which one.

Please provide me with any additional information you feel would be helpful in planning your trip. 
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