Dodgin' 4 Dough 2019 - SPONSORSHIP
Promote your business while promoting our cause: Student Ministries mission trips!!!

Dodgin' 4 Dough will be held February 1&2, 2019 at Good Shepherd Church in Naperville, Illinois.

Choose from one of the sponsor levels below. Simply download, fill out, and follow the instructions on the sponsor form! Please pay online or make checks payable to: Good Shepherd Church, and remember, all donations are tax deductible!

If you have any questions about sponsorship, contact Ryan Schaible - Tournament Organizer and Director of Student Ministries at Good Shepherd Church in Naperville - at (630) 961-9220.
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Please Select Your Level of Sponsorship: *
Are you sponsoring on behalf of someone?
Please let us know if someone recruited you as a sponsor for Dodgin' 4 Dough
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