GeoGebra and Gamification v2
We are currently planning some cool new features for the GeoGebra website and would like to ask you for your help with this. One idea that we have is to use game elements on our site to make it even more fun to create and share resources on the GeoGebra platform.

Please fill in the questions below to help us decide what features would be best to add. We will use your information only for internal research purposes and keep it top secret. Nobody will ever learn from us what's your favorite game - promised! Thank you for your help in advance!

GeoGebra & STEAM-BOX Project** Team
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My data could be used for research purposes. *
If you have questions about the survey please contact Dr. Selay Arkün Kocadere via
What's your name?
What is your profession? *
Where are you from? *
What's your email adress?
So we can get back in touch with you to keep you posted on the progress of our gamification features on our website
What's your GeoGebra Profile page web address?
How often do you use the following features on the GeoGebra website? *
1 - Not at all
9 - A lot
Create a GeoGebra activity / worksheet
Create a GeoGebra book
Search for resources of others
Copy a resource
Make my resources public
Follow authors
Share resources
Mark resources as favourite
Create a folder
Move resources into a folder
Create a GeoGebra Class from an activity
Create a GeoGebra Class from a book
Pause GeoGebra Class
Use Geogebra Classroom with a LMS (MS Teams, Google Classroom etc.)
Use GeoGebra Classroom with a video conferencing tool (Zoom, Google Meet etc.)
Create posts
Like posts
Comment posts
Search for apps / tools
Search for tutorials
Are you familiar with gamification? *
Gamification is the application of game-design elements and game principles in non-game contexts. Nike+, Swarm, ResearchGate, and Waze are some of the gamified apps that use leaderboards, badges, points, rewards, levels etc. in their designs.
Would you like gamification to be integrated on the GeoGebra website? *
Not at all
A lot
Why would you like / not like a gamified GeoGebra website? *
Do you like games? *
Computer games, board games, any games :-)
Not at all
A lot
Which game genres do you prefer?
Which games do you play?
Please name a few of your favorite games
In game-like environments, I like *
1 - Not at all
9 - A lot
to complete the assigned tasks.
to face challenges.
to break my own record.
to track my progress.
to be involved in merciless competition.
to defeat others.
to see myself in a higher status than others.
to win no matter what happens.
to solve puzzles.
to explore new things.
to find out tricks and shortcuts.
to discover the details.
to socialize with others.
to interact with my friends.
to chat with other participants.
to work together with someone.
In game-like environments, I like *
1 - Not at all
9 - A lot
to gather points.
to unlock the new content.
progress bars / charts.
to earn rewards.
to collect and trade things.
to hear the back-stories.
to gather badges.
surprising things.
to give presents to others.
to be a part of a team.
to have an avatar.
**STEAM-BOX: Courses Courses, Tools, Resources for Teachers Erasmus+ Project (2020-1-HU01-KA201-078743) is funded by the European Union.
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