Take the Procrastination Quiz.
Our team has designed this quiz adapted from years of research by world-renowned Psychologists. This quiz will bring to your consciousness, your procrastination patterns so you can more easily identify and work on them daily. Truthfully choose the correct option in the lines below. 

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Enter Full Name. *
Sex *
1. I put off daily living activities like washing, cleaning, maintenance, etc., till the pile up or go bad. *
2. When I'm unsure of succeeding, I put off starting at all. *
3. I have fantastic ideas and plans that I never start working on. *
4. I always show up late for meetings and appointments. *
5. I seek for guarantees before I act on any goal. *
6. I waste too much time per day. *
7. I tell myself I will begin tomorrow and then I don't. *
8. I always make up credible-sounding excuses for my delays. *
9. I feel I am not good enough to obtain the results I desire. *
10. I easily get distracted. *
11. I wait to be inspired before I act and give up when inspiration fades. *
12. I wait for last minute to start assignments. *
13. I make impulsive decisions then don't stick with them. *
14. I never meet deadlines. *
15. To be worthy, I feel I must meet high standards. *
16. My mood governs what I do and accomplish for the day. *
17. I daydream a lot. *
18. I make good progress and then I slip back. *
19. My to-do list remains undone. *
20. I'm afraid to make a mistake. *
21. I feel overwhelmed with too many things to do. *
22. When faced with an unpleasant but important task, I'll rather postpone and do something else. *
23. I fall short of my own standards. *
24. I don't keep things tidy and in their place. *
25. I worry about what people think of me or what I do. *
26. I'm stressed by too much information to assimilate. *
27. I avoid or postpone making decisions. *
28. I worry too much about what could go wrong. *
29. I feel like I'm just drifting through life. *
30. I am not sure I can overcome my procrastination habits. *
Age *
On a scale of 0 to 10, how committed are you to overcoming your procrastination habits to help you scale your goals and personal development to success? *
Not really committed
Very committed
Enter your phone number with country code. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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