Go Kart App Form
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Have you ever used an app about go-kart
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  How often do you go go-karting?  
  How do you usually plan your go-karting sessions?  
 What challenges do you face when booking a go-kart session?  
Have you ever had a negative experience with go-karting? If so, please describe.  
What frustrates you have about the current go-karting apps or websites (If you use) ?  
Which features do you think are essential for a go-karting app?  
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What additional features would enhance your go-karting experience?
How do you prefer to receive information about go-karting events and updates?  
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 How important is it for you to have a marketplace for go-kart gear and accessories within the app?  
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How user-friendly do you find the existing go-karting apps or websites you’ve used?  
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 What specific improvements would you suggest for enhancing the go-karting experience through an app?  
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