J&MXPtXM 10th Birthday Party RSVP
We're turning 10 on April 13th and would love to celebrate with you in Portland, Oregon! 

We'll be performing a live episode - AND throwing a party! Details follow, so make with the typing and clicking.

Please register for either or both of the events to guarantee a spot! Space is limited, so please only RSVP if you're pretty sure you'll be coming. 
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What's your email address?
(We'll keep this information private and will only ever email you about this specific event.)
Are you coming to the live episode?
(Clinton Street Theater, 10:00 AM to 11:45 AM!)

N.B.: To keep this indoor event as accessible as possible, masks will be required (and will be available at the door, if you don't bring your own).
Are you coming to the party?
(Books With Pictures, 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM!)

(This will be an outdoor event and therefore mask-optional.)
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