Daily Pre-Arrival Screening - COVID
To review our COVID-19 Reduction & Mitigation Policy, please visit: http://camponas.org/covid-19-reduction-mitigation/

Please fill out one form per camper.
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Today's Date *
Is your camper Up-to-Date (fully vaccinated & boosted) for COVID-19? *
Have you uploaded your immunization card to the Parent Portal? *
Body Temperature (Today) *
Please try to use the same thermometer each day.
Please ask your camper if they are experiencing any of the following and check any that apply. *
If there are any current symptoms above, is there a reason you suspect or know to be the cause?
(Allergies, I have a cold, I currently have/ recently had COVID-19)
Have you recently been exposed to, or in close contact with, a person diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 10 days? *
What is the CDC Community Level for your Area? *
Please check the CDC Website or use the tool on our website to find this.
Which of the following measures are you taking prior to your arrival?
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