Kronocard Beta Tester information Sheet
Please fill this form to inform us about errors founded in the new version of Kronocard. This is for Kronozio internal use and to get informed as quickly as possible of any problem within our software.

As a beta tester, you agree to help us improve our software by providing as many information as possible so that we can reproduce the error on our side and fix it.

All information in the form need to be filled.
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What is our Windows version? *
What's your Kronozio account name *
What's the best email to reach you if needed? *
In Kronocard at the top left corner, what is the version number? *
What action were you doing when this happened? *
Please describe all the steps to reproduce the error or give us as many details as possible to understand what happened. *
If there is an error message and you can copy the entire message here, OR send us a screenshot or a picture of the message at
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