Carolina FurFare Lip Sync Battle Entry Form
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Lip Sync Battle
Hear ye, hear ye-attendants! I hear ye be interested in performing in the Lip-Sync battle here at Carolina FurFare.  Well, you've come to the right place! If you're interested in participating, please be sure to fill out this form! 

As the King of the court, all participants will be required to Lip-Sync to their song of choice as if their lives depends on it! The top 3 will be granted their freedom while the rest will be thrown into the stockade! Sounds like a good ol' time, wouldn't you agree? 

The battle will commence on Saturday, October 5th at 11am sharp! If you are participating, please arrive 15 minutes early so I can get you checked in and put on the roster of vic...I mean, participants. ;) 

A couple of rules to keep in mind for this competition: 

-Your song choice must not be above PG! Remember, this is a family-friendly competition, so please bare that in mind when making your song selections. 
-Your songs MUST more be more than a minute and less than four; anything over the four-minute mark will not be accepted!
-Once you have made a song selection, YOU MAY NOT CHANGE IT. So be sure to choose your song carefully!
-Each person will perform on stage by themselves; remember you goal is to not only impress the audience but me as well, so do your best! 

Remember to have fun! This is a great way for you to show you love for the song. <3 

GOOD LUCK! I hope to see you there! 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mikey on Telegram @Displaced_Enigma
Furry Name *
Telegram ID
What is the name of the song you'll be performing? Please list the EXACT version of the song ( this includes artist, title of song, etc). *
Do you acknowledge that your song is appropriate? Remember to keep it PG! *
You have read and acknowledged the rules for the competition?  *
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