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Psychology Undergraduate Suggestion Box
The Department of Psychology invites any undergraduate student to submit anonymous feedback using this Google form. Submissions are reviewed the Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies every 2 weeks and feedback is shared to Department leadership or with the Undergraduate Advising office as most appropriate.
Other Reporting Options:
Department of Psychology DEI Suggestion Box:
This current form should NOT be used to share information about reported incidents in violation of laws, regulations, or University policies.
Those reports should be submitted (anonymously is an option) here:
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Please select the category to which your feedback most pertains. (May select more than one or submit an additional form as needed).
Advising Staff member
Faculty member or Instructor
Other Department Staff Member
Career or Internship Planning
PSY Course Content
PSY Major requirements
PSY Department communication to students
PSY Department resources (Elliott lounge, classrooms, etc.)
Student groups (ABPS, IOPC, PISA, Psychology Club)
Study Abroad
Please describe the nature of your feedback, providing as much detail and context as you are comfortable sharing.
Your answer
Do you have any specific thoughts or suggestions on how your feedback could be addressed by the Department of Psychology. Please describe below:
Your answer
If you would like a Psychology Advising staff member to follow-up with you regarding your feedback, please provide your email address (optional). Your submission will remain anonymous if you do not include your email contact.
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