Vicksburg District Library Volunteer Application
I understand that completing this application does not automatically register me as a Vicksburg District Library volunteer, and there may be certain additional qualifications I must first meet before I can be accepted as a volunteer. These additional qualifications include my agreement to abide by established volunteer policies and procedures before I may begin volunteering.

I further understand that my registration as a volunteer with the Vicksburg District Library will also be conditioned up on the completion of a criminal background check for any past criminal convictions or pending felony criminal charges using the Michigan State Police’s system. As a condition to my acceptance as a volunteer, I agree to submit information for a criminal background check to the Vicksburg District Library.
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Your Basic Information
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Street Address
ZIP Code
Phone (home)
Phone (cell)
Email address
You may optionally provide the following information. It is used only to help us get a better idea of the demographic makeup of our volunteers.
Age range
Highest education
Emergency Contact
Please provide contact information for your emergency contact person.
Relationship to you
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
ZIP Code
Phone (home)
Phone (cell)
Email address
Skills and Experience
What age group are you comfortable working with? (Check all that apply.)
In what areas do you have moderate to excellent skills?
Do you prefer working occasionally on one-time special events or on a regular schedule?
List the library's special events that you are interested in
Specific Days and Times
Please indicate the days and times you are usually available to volunteer. If you are not available on a day, put NA.
Times available for volunteering on Monday
Times available for volunteering on Tuesday
Times available for volunteering on Wednesday *
Times available for volunteering on Thursday *
Times available for volunteering on Friday
Times available for volunteering on Saturday
Times available for volunteering on Sunday *
Other information you would like us to know
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