EDSD Service & Justice Survey - 2021
Related to the Diocese's new strategic plan and priorities, we are surveying churches to learn about current service and justice ministries within the Diocese as well as areas of passion and interest. Please complete the following to help us in this effort.
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What is the name of your church or ministry?
What is your name and contact information?
Does your church have a committee/team or ministry related to outreach/service and/or justice work? If so, who is the best contact person for this work? (Please share their name and contact info.)
Our church/ministry has done or is currently doing education, advocacy, and/or service related to the following issues and skills: (Please check all that apply.)
Please list any additional peace & justice issues you are engaged with and/or any related programs, ministries, or organizations that you are involved in and/or support as a church or group:
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