Application for Justin Goff's private email newsletter for the top marketers, copywriters and media buyers.  
Unlike most email lists that you can simply opt-in to, my email list is private.  It's private because I actually answer the replies that people send me, so I only want people who are serious about marketing on this list.    

If you want to be considered for the list, simply answer the questions below.  If you're accepted onto the list, you'll start getting the daily emails from me within 48-72 hours.
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How did you hear about my email list?
To be on this list, you MUST be a serious marketer, copywriter, business owner, consultant or media buyer . This is NOT for flighty biz-opp seekers.  Tell me a little bit about what you do and your success so far in business. (note:  This is your main chance to sell me on why you should be a part of this list.  So the more detailed your response, the better) *
In the last year, which courses, products, masterminds or events have you purchased?
I email my list everyday.  This means you'll get an email each morning from me about marketing, entrepreneurship or even stuff that's going on in my life.   It's quite personal.  But I do email every day, so if that's an issue for you, please do not join.
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If you're accepted onto the email list, my assistant will manually add your email to the list.  Please put your best email address below that you want to receive your emails at (no hotmail addresses please, as they tend to go to spam)
What is your name? (first and last)
If you're interested in getting an advanced copy of my book about copy/marketing/funnels put your shipping address below and I will put you on the list for that (ex:  2503 Sycamore St,  Austin TX, 78704)
I will review your application today.  If you are accepted, you will be added to the list and you'll start receiving my emails within 48-72 hours.
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