EMAC SEAYP Youth Program Application

Empowering Marginalized Asian Communities' (EMAC) mission is to serve and support marginalized Southeast Asians by empowering our communities through advocacy and healing from our present and past disparities to build an equitable and robust future.

Program Overview

The Southeast Asian Youth Power (SEAYP) leadership program aims to foster leadership, critical thinking, political advocacy, and civic engagement in young Southeast Asian leaders in Stockton through learning about and mobilizing around issues of social justice. EMAC strongly believes that young people have the power to positively impact their communities if presented with the opportunity to do so. Participants of the program will have the opportunity to engage in dialogue on identity, history, culture, and life experiences with other young people. The program also focuses on anti-deportation activism, re-entry and community safety, and local organizing in Stockton. 

Program Details

  • Duration: 8 Weeks - June 8, 2023 to July 28, 2023
  • Hours:  3 hours per week - Thursdays 10am - 1pm
  • Location: San Joaquin Delta College
  • Compensation: $500 stipend

Application submissions will be accepted between May 14, 2023 and close May 26, 2023 (11:59 pm PT). We will contact each applicant to schedule an interview after the application is submitted.

Who can apply?

  • Young people ages 16-25
  • Passionate about social change
  • Available to meet Thursdays June 8, 2023 - July 27, 2023 from 10-1 PM

For questions and more information, contact Donald Donaire at donald@emacstockton.org

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Full (Preferred) Name *
Date of Birth *
Primary Phone Number *
Email Address *
Home/Mailing Address *
Preferred Social Media (Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, Twitch, WhatsApp, Facebook, etc.) *
School *
Grade Level *
Race/Ethnicity *
How do you identify ethnically/racially (example: Cambodian, Laos, Filipino, prefer not to answer, n/a, etc.). In other words, where are your ancestors from?
Sexual and/or Gender Identity
Example: female, male, intersex, transgender, queer, pansexual, other, prefer not to answer, etc.
Gender Pronouns
How would you like to be referred to in third person (example: she/her, he/him, they/them, prefer not to answer, etc.)
Parent/Guardian Contact (Name, Relationship, Phone Number and Email) *
What's the best way to reach you (phone number, email, address, and/or social media)? *
How did you hear about EMAC's youth program? *
i.e. a former participant, friend/classmate, parent/caregiver, teacher/school staff, social media, etc.
What are you looking forward to in joining this youth leadership opportunity? *
Do you have any experience as a helper or team player? (ie extracurricular activities, team sports, church, babysitting, etc.) *
What skills or training would you like to gain from being a part of this youth program? *
What is one issue that you want to address within the Stockton community, and why? *
Please list any other questions, comments, and/or concerns that you may have for our team.
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