2024 Goonettes Invitational Volunteer Sign-Up
Event dates = September 7 (Saturday) & September 8 (Sunday). Setup on September 6 (Friday).

Everyone (any experience level, gender, etc.) is welcome to volunteer!

Please email goonettesinvitational@gmail.com with any questions or visit goonettesinvitational.org for more information. You may also text the Volunteer Coordinator Lily Eckman at (517) 304-6558!

Once you receive a confirmation email with your role, you will also be asked for suggestions toward our "Volunteer of the Year" award! This award is decided by the Goonettes Invitational Event Board, but we want to take everyone's suggestions into account, so start thinking now! 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
What is your first and last name? *
What is your phone number? *
Are you a student on a team? 
If so - please list your team name and number
What are your preferred pronouns (for nametags) *
Do you have past experience volunteering at a FIRST event? *
What FIRST/FRC volunteer roles have you served in previously? *
Select all that apply
What positions would you be willing to fill at the Goonettes Invitational? *
Select all that apply
When are you available to help? *
Select all that apply
Do you have any special dietary restrictions? *
What is your shirt size? *
Are you an Altair Employee? *
Any comments / suggestions?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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