Priority Registration Application for Student Parents
If you are responsible for (or imminently will be responsible for) providing/caring for a child of any age, you may be eligible to receive priority registration.  Eligible student parents may be a biological parent, stepparent, unmarried coparent, adoptive parent, foster parent, guardian, grandparent, extended family member or sibling caregiverEligibility is also open to students who are pregnant or have partners who are expecting, especially if the due date occurs before or during the next academic year.

By filling out this application you are requesting priority when registering for your classes at UC Davis. Priority registration is a benefit provided to eligible students who are caring for children. If this application is approved, you will be placed on a priority registration list for the academic year.  Please note that you need to reapply each year.

Students across the immigration status spectrum are eligible to apply.
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Email *
First name: *
Last name: *
Student ID# *
Year for which your applying: *
Please check all of the following that apply to you (at least one of these conditions must be met in order to receive priority registration): *
If you selected other in the previous question, please provide more details about your parenting role:
Number of children under your care: *
Age of the child(ren) under your care: *
Where do you live? *
Read the below statement.  To indicate your agreement, enter your initials in the space provided.
I hereby certify that all information contained in this application is true and accurate.  My initials in the space below indicate my agreement with these statements. *
The Transfer and Reentry Center will be in touch to confirm approval of the priority registration application.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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