We shared an original letter to TFA Bay Area with the signatures collected by 10pm 2/10/19. On 2/15/19, TFA Bay Area announced that they have secured private donors to ensure that if corps members unenroll in AmeriCorps in order to participate in the strike that they do not experience financial loss, via their AmeriCorps award. We will continue to work with TFA national to articulate how its relationship with AmeriCorps impacts corps member labor action and to develop a policy for ensuring corps members are not dissuaded from participating in labor actions.
You can still use this form to add your name to the live letter, which indicated your support of our campaign.
To see the fullest list of signatories: see demands we shared with TFA 2/12/19: text drafted 2/7/19 is below.
To the Teach For America-Bay Area Leadership Team:
We are writing as Teach For America alumni to support current Oakland based Teach For America corps members, who -- through Teach For America’s interpretation of AmeriCorps regulations -- are feeling pressured to cross the picket lines or lose a substantial portion of their AmeriCorps funding in the event of a strike in the district.
Corps members would not want to cross picket lines for a number of reasons, including support for the union’s demands for more student and teacher resources, concern about damaging their standing among students and colleagues, and fears regarding personal safety during the strike. These young educators understand the importance of public sector labor unions and that membership solidarity is essential to union strength. They recognize that one part of an educator’s identity is that of union member.
Considering the potential consequences to their career, crossing picket lines during a strike is something that we believe no corps member wants to do. However, when faced with the option of crossing a picket line or needing to unenroll in AmeriCorps (or become disqualified completely from receiving their award, thus losing between $2000 and $10000), some corps members may feel compelled to cross. This financial leverage being used to pressure teachers is unethical, disproportionately affects lower income corps members, results in diminishing the power of union labor, and is contrary to Teach For America’s stated goals of improving educational outcomes for all students by preparing teachers to build strong relationships with their school communities, become exemplary members of the teaching profession, and advocate for educational equity.
Because AmeriCorps rules allow the program in question to determine their own solutions to labor actions, we urge Teach For America to amend its current guidance to corps members.
From AmeriCorps FAQ:
[AmeriCorps rules] do not address the issue of whether a member may cross the picket line during a strike. The program [TFA in this case] must make the decision, on the basis of all the facts, while ensuring (1) that the member is not engaging in any prohibited activities, and (2) the member’s safety. If the program decides against having the member continue his or her planned service activities, the program should work with Corporation program and grants staff to amend its program objectives and performance measures.
We have learned that other AmeriCorps programs in Oakland are interpreting this language differently than TFA. They have defined crossing the picket line as a political act and are planning for alternative assignments in anticipation of a strike. This is one among many possible solutions to ensure that corps members are not taking political action by participating in or crossing the picket line. We must acknowledge that showing up to work during a strike is not a neutral act.
We hope that Teach For America, as a powerful force in local and national education, will work to ensure that corps members are able to fully support their professional community in its demand for more equitable education in California and craft a more proactive interpretation of AmeriCorps regulations that supports corps member solidarity with their colleagues, students, and school communities. Not doing this runs the risk of further alienating the teachers and communities of this country, many of whom (to put it bluntly) are already skeptical of Teach For America’s motives and commitment to educational justice.
In solidarity,
To see the full list of signatories: