Partner Agency Application
Babies of Homelessness is a 501(3)c nonprofit and diaper bank. We provide diapers, wipes and formula, on a monthly basis, to organizations that serve families who are experiencing homelessness or hardship residing in King or Snohomish County, Washington. 

To learn more about our organization and the work we do, please check out our website at

We look forward to learning more about your organization!
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Organization Name: *
Mailing Address: *
Website Address: *
Director's Name: *
Main Contact Name (if different): *
Main Contact's Phone #: *
Main Contact's Email Address: *
Brief description of your organization, including what cities/counties you serve: *
Your organization is a (check one): *
Approximately how many children in need of diaper support do you serve each month? *
Does your organization receive ongoing diaper support from any other diaper bank/agency? *
If yes, what organization provides you diaper support and how often? *
Do you have someone on staff who can submit monthly orders by a deadline? *
Can you provide Babies of Homelessness (BOH) with demographic information? *
Can your provide Babies of Homelessness (BOH) with written testimonials or outcome information when requested (1-2 times a year)? *
Partner Agencies pay a yearly partnership fee to BoH. Please indicate below which tier fits your organizations need.
Which tier fits your organization's needs?  *
Is there anything else you would like us to know? *
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