Be a part of's "How I Got Here" series
In its work to help professionals navigate their careers, seeks to chart the entry points and journeys of technologists, including nontraditional paths. This is How I Got Here.

Technologists, we want to hear your story to help introduce you to your local tech community, and educate others on opportunities and resources that create entry points and advance skills. Tell us a bit about yourself here. 

(Note: Filling this form out is not a guarantee of coverage but it helps us do this work better. We may even publish your responses, or reach out for more details.)
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What's your name? *
What's the best email to reach you with any questions? *
What market are you based in? *
What industry do you work in? *
What's your current job title? *
Tell us a bit about your tech career path thus far, and why you'd like to share your story with other technologists (or aspiring technologists). *
What can your journey teach others?
Your LinkedIn: *
Your Twitter: *
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