WAEH Webinars
Fill in this form to register for our webinar(s), as a guest, host or speaker and send in suggestions or ideas about interesting and important eyecare topics and themes.

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Email *
Name *
Organisation *
Is your organisation an Eye Hospital and would you like to join The World Association of Eye Hospitals? *If you aren't a member yet* *
Job title
Schwartz Rounds -  Friday 30 April 2021
Education in Eye Hospitals - Thursday 20 May 2021
Paediatric Eye Care: Coping with The Covid Pandemic in Eye Hospitals worldwide - Thursday 24 June 2021
WAEH Annual Meeting: Designing Crisp and Future proof Eye Hospitals - Sunday 5 September 2021 & Wednesday 8 September 2021
Webinar: Thursday 14 October 2021 - No theme yet
Webinar: Thursday 14 October 2021. I would like to suggest the following theme for this webinar:
Webinar: Thursday 18 November 2021 - No theme yet
Webinar: Thursday 18 November 2021. I would like to suggest the following theme for this webinar:
Webinar: Thursday 16 December 2021 - No theme yet
Webinar: Thursday 16 December 2021. I would like to suggest the following theme for this webinar:
Are there any themes you would like to present or suggest, which are not on the agenda yet? If yes, which themes would you like to propose?
I hereby give permission for my contact details to be included in the WAEH network file. This means that we would like to send you the WAEH newsletter and invite you to upcoming WAEH events *
Do you have a questions that isn't noted in this form?
Feel free to contact Maaike van Zuilen: @maaike.vanzuilen@waeh.org
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