Roland Guiscard Commission Form
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I would like to commission a...
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Please describe, in detail, what you want, and include any references you may have.
Are all of the characters featured explicitly your original creations?
Please provide your e-mail below, so I can contact you for further information and provide you with the finished product.
When the work is complete, can I post it on my FurAffinity, InkBunny, etc?
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Please confirm you understand I am under no obligation to take on any proposed commission and I reserve the right to refuse to work on any project. I will conduct no more than three revisions, and revisions are limited to re-writing no more than 25% of the text. Additionally, I will not surrender the draft version until I receive a 50% deposit, and will not surrender the finished version until 100% completion. If you are not okay with these terms, please do not commission me.
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