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Registration Form :  Kidsports  Multisports Program  
 PUERTO RICO, TE : (939) 642-8982    Prof. Daniel Boyne      
School Name  A LA LIMON *
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Student's Full Name *
Age *
Father / Mother or Guardian                        ( Full Name) *
Mother Phone *
Father Phone *
Medical Plan *
Should any specific activity be restricted? *
Do you have any known allergies? NO / YES (type) *
PARENTAL AUTHORIZATION and COMMITMENT: The undersigned, we consent to that we or our child, attend the Kidsports  Summer Program. We authorize the Director of said activity to seek emergency medical treatment for me or our child, if necessary. In consideration of the participation of my son / daughter in this activity, which I consider binding, I waive and relieve the organization KIDSPORTS LLC, its directors and teachers from all responsibility for any claim or damage resulting from said participation in it, on my behalf and on behalf of all my dependents and relatives. I have read, understand and accept everything previously established. *
Initials for Signature *
Father / Mother or Guardian                        ( Full Name) *
... other of our Kisdports Programs
SWIMMERS. Swimming Classes / Hydro-Fitness
Top 10 Reasons to LOVE swimming!

1) Enjoyment World Wide – You can swim and enjoy different water environments anywhere in the world. Swimming is a life skill, but I’m not talking about swimming from a survival point of view but instead from a fun and enjoyable standpoint. There is no sensation like being in water!

2) Family Fun – Water is a great way to have fun as a family. Going to the pool doesn’t mean you have to swim up and down, ‘train’ or even ‘workout’. There’s a vast array of equipment, toys and games to be played that are beneficial and supportive for all ages and abilities. Start with a decent pair of swimming goggles and let the fun begin!

3) Relaxing – Swimming is brilliant for relaxing your body from your daily routine.  If you focus on swimming and the sensation of just being in water it’s easy to ignore any distractions.

4) Social Aspect – Swimming is a great social exercise. You can go with your friends and support one another to build confidence and maintain a regular exercise routine.

5) Underwater – One of my favorite aspects of swimming is swimming underwater. It’s like a whole new world opening up. For brief moments it feels like I’m flying as I glide through the pool.

6) Variety of Activity – Swimming is an activity that is very diverse. You can swim in a pool, ocean, lake or river. You can swim with friends and there are many water based activities other than solo lane swimming such as water polo to try.

7) Low impact on the body – Swimming is great for recovery. When strokes are performed correctly there is little to no impact put on the body.

8) Cardio Vascular Exercise – Swimming helps you to build a rhythm with your breathing and raise your heart rate. It supports healthy blood flow around your body.

9) Strengthen Muscles – When you swim your body will experience some resistance as water has a thicker density than air. This means that you can use the water not just for swimming, but also as an environment to do simple exercises to build your muscles and strengthen your body.

10) Something that stays with you for life – One of the most versatile exercises across all generations that you can use, enjoy and share throughout your entire life. What are you waiting for? Dive in, take the plunge and enjoy!
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