Local Artist + Maker List - So There Issaquah
I have a few artist opportunities coming up, and more on the horizon, so I'd like to put together a list of local artists who might be a good fit. The main two categories I have right now are vendors for the TinyShop, and fine artists for our rotating TinyGallery space.

• The TinyShop buys gifty products at wholesale price and sells them to customers in the the shop.
• The TinyGallery is a small space reserved for fine art with monthly opening receptions (for now this is free to the artist.)
Both are located in the So, There studio space at 161 Front Street N, Issaquah. You can learn more about it all at andsothere.com and follow along @andsothere.

If you have questions- email me (Alison Lang) at info@andsothere.com.

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Email *
Your Name *
Your Email Address
Your Business Name (or your name)
Your Website (if you have one)
Your Instagram Handle (if you have one)
Where are you located? *
What category best fits your work the work you make and sell?
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What medium do you work with, predominantly? Or what kind of products do you focus on?
Share a little bit about your process in making your products, and your experience. (Cause we always like to know more!) What supplies/tools do you love to use most? (One paragraph only.)
What's the typical price range of your work?
What kind of display and sales options are you interested in?
Any thing else I should ask, or that you're like me to know?
Do you want me to add you to the (very infequent) newsletter where I announce calls for art?
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You're Done!
If I've done this right, you should be able to edit your response whenever you like. This way you can keep me up-to-date with what you're up to! 
With that said, I'm sure I will be adding and adjusting questions, so you might hear from me about that.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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