Application Strategy Call
With Koosje Kosters
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Your first name
Your last name (surname)
Please select your call preference
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Best email address
Phone number & Skype ID (If you asked for a Skype call)
Your business website (If you don't have one please type "no site")
What are the area's you would like to work on:
Current monthly revenue
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What is your target monthly revenue?
What is your (measurable) target(s) towards the areas that you would like to work on. (eg. having a 10/10 focus at least 5 days a week)
What do you feel is your biggest obstacle to hitting this goal?
Briefly describe your business, who do you serve, what do you sell, what's the price point?
How willing and able are you to invest in the growth of yourself & your business right now?
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If you're accepted how soon can you get started?
Finally, what makes you different from the other applications and why should I choose to work with you?
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