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ECS 315: Self-Evaluation 2015 (1)
The class participation score for this class is judged by how much you actively participate in the class discussion both inside and outside of the classroom.
Please honestly answer the following questions. Please provide as much information as possible.
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How many times have you been absent from the class? Are there any specific reason(s)? Please explain.
Your answer
How many times have you been late (> 30s) for the class? Are there any specific reason(s)? Please explain.
Your answer
How many times have you left the class early? Are there any specific reason(s)? Please explain.
Your answer
How many times have you participated (provided comments, asked questions, answered questions, etc) in the lectures? Be specific. Provide some short description for each event. Number alone does not count.
Your answer
How many times have you correctly informed the instructors the typo or mistake on the notes/whiteboard/slides/hw/etc? Provide short description for each of the issues.
Your answer
How many times have you discussed with the instructor outside of class? (Ask questions, express concerns, etc.) Be specific. Number alone does not count.
Your answer
On the scale of 10, what score should you get for the class participation? Please explain.
Your answer
So far, what is the most challenging topic (for you) in this class?
Your answer
Are there any obstacles that prevent you from learning the material presented in this class? How can Aj.Prapun help?
Your answer
What do you like about the learning experience in this class?
Your answer
Nominate one ECS315 student for being "incredibly good at ECS315"
Your answer
Nominate one ECS315 student who is "surprisingly good at ECS315"
(You did not expect this person to perform well in this class, but it turns out that he/she seems to be very good at it.)
Your answer
Nominate one ECS315 student that "pays most attention in class"
Your answer
Nominate one ECS315 student who is "most dependable for questions about the HW"
Your answer
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