HMS's Commission List
A convenient list to keep all commissions organised.
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Commission sheet
The Will's and the Will not's
- Male and Female
- Straight/Gay/Bi
- Inflation
- Blueberry
- Fat and Weight gain
- Muscles
- Hyper assets
- Big Breasts and Butts
- Hourglass
- Growth/Expansion (butt, breast, muscle, etc)
- Fan Art
- OCs 
- Anthropomorphic/Furry Characters
- Giantess
- Futanari

WILL NOT'S NSFW for underage characters (must be 18 and over)
- Heavy torture
- Excessive Gore 
- Scat, or other Bodily Wastes
- Real life people without proof of consent
  • Commissioners must be 18 years old or above to order.
  • Commissions will be chosen based on interest and not by 'first come first served'.
  • All Payments will be through Paypal.
  • Will do the sketch before payment.
  • Once the commission is approved, an invoice will be sent to you via Paypal. When the payment is received, I will start working on the commission.
  • In the event in which a commission is not finished or fulfilled, a refund will be given in return.
  • You may do whatever you'd like with your commission. I mean, you bought it, of course. All that I ask is being credited.
I have read and agree with the Terms above
Upon agreeing with the Terms you may continue on to the Commission Request Section
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