Karlie Rae Macros
1:1 Coaching Application
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Age *
Cell Phone Number *
Height (in feet and inches) *
Current Weight *
Are you currently pregnant or breastfeeding? *
1:1 coaching is an investment as well as commitment. I am ready and prepared to make the investment at this time. Coaching starts at $300/month. *
Discount is available for Military/First responder with proof of service. Does this apply to you? *
Goals (Check all that apply) *
Current Cardio Sessions per week? What type of cardio? How long are the sessions? *
Please explain any other workouts done during the week. Length/Type/Intensity *
Current nutrition regimen (honesty please) *
Are you currently counting macros? *
Do you know on average how many calories you are currently consuming daily? If yes, how many? *
Do you know how many steps you average per day? If so, how many? *
Describe your physical activity during the day? *
Do you have any health conditions or injuries? *
Any diet restrictions or food allergies? *
What is your dieting/coaching history? *
Have you dieted often for weight/fat loss over the last 5 years? *
What does your daily schedule look like? *
I understand that Karlie Skinner is not a physician or registered dietician. I will consult with my physician for medical clearance before starting this nutrition program. Information provided by Karlie Skinner is not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent, or cure any health-related problems and it is not intended to take place of the advice of my physician. Information provided by Karlie Skinner will be suggested use only. By submitting this form and participating in this program I am at least 18 years of age and agree to accept full responsibility for my actions. No refunds will be available.   *
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