Membership Declaration 2023-2024
Yes, I value the work of the Milwaukee Area College Internship Consortium and would like my school career/internship office identified as a member of MACIC for the 2023-2024 school year.

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School Name *
College/University Address *
Office Phone Number *
Representative 1 Name: *
Representative 1 Title: *
Representative 1 Email: *
Representative 2 Name:
Representative 2 Title:
Representative 2 Email:
Representative 3 Name:
Representative 3 Title:
Representative 3 Email:
Representative 4 Name:
Representative 4 Title:
Representative 4 Email:
Representative 5 Name: 
Representative 5 Title: 
Representative 5 Email: 
Representative 6 Name: 
Representative 6 Title: 
Representative 6 Email: 
Representative 7 Name: 
Representative 7 Title: 
Representative 7 Email: 
Representative 8 Name: 
Representative 8 Title: 
Representative 8 Email: 
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