ANWCC Marshals Championship 2025
To claim points in the ANWCC Marshals Championship please complete the details below then press THE SUBMIT button.  Claims must be made within one month of the date of the event, with a final cut-off date of 13th December 2025.  The championship chart will be updated at the end of each month and can be viewed on - if you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact so that they can be sorted.

All claims received each month will go into a draw for a cash prize - draws will take place early in the following month.  All claims will be given a number and the next Lotto draw will be used to work out the winning number (full details on request).  Winners will be contacted by e-mail and asked for details on how payment should be sent.
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Email *
Name *
Motorsport UK Licence Number
Event officiated on ... *
Date of event ... *
What I did on the event ... *
Club of which I am a member of ...
Age if under 21
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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