Breathe, Sail and & Flow - Retreat
Event Date: March 27th to April 5th
Location: Ikigai Boat / Caribbean Sea: Sailing through Martinique & Granadine Islands 
To contact the retreat organizers directly:
Luca  +39 3313292629
Carla +52 19982401104

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Welcome! Please complete this registration form so that we can ensure your safety and accommodate your specific needs at the retreat.

All information regarding health is kept strictly confidential and will not be shared with anyone outside of the retreat organizers.
First & Last Name *
Email *
We use Whatsapp messanger for all participant communication while traveling. 
Please include your phone number below:
Were you referred by anyone? If so, please share their information below.  Write N/A if not applicable
Please tell us a little about yourself, what your intentions and expectations are for this experience.
Do you have any food allergies or intolerances? 
If so, please list them below. If not, write N/A.
Dietary preferences: *
Please select the following activities that interest you or that you would like to explore more during this retreat *
Please list if there are any past or current medical conditions that could impact your participation in activities such as swimming, breathwork & other activites under the sun. If not write N/A. *
Please describe your mental health history. Please include PTSD, major trauma, specific diagnoses, and/or symptoms, if relevant (and whether current or past). Write N/A if not applicable.
I understand the importance of purchasing a timely and comprehensive travel insurance policy to cover all unexpected costs due to cancellation, medical assistance, loss or any other reason. *
I understand that the 25% deposit is required in order to secure my place in the boat. 
I declare that I have read, understood and accepted the policies regarding payments, cancellation and refunds for this event.
Tell us how you found us?
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I am aware that this event is hosted by the Ikigai Sailing sports association and reserved exclusively for its members which is why I intend to join this community 
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