Highwood Kennel's form for guardianship of one of our adult dogs or puppies. 
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Todays Date: *
Full Name: *
Breed You are Interested In? *
Are you looking for a show dog, a dog for sport, or a home companion? *
Have you owned this breed before and have you researched their breed requirements such as exercise, and grooming needs? *
Dachshund Applications Only - Wirehaired Dachshunds require to be hand stripped for grooming. Cost is around $100-$160 every other month. Are you prepared to take on this expense? Or to learn how to do it yourself?
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We require our puppies to be registered in both the Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) and the United Kennel Club (UKC). Are you prepared to register your puppy in both registries? *
What type of home do you live in? *
Do you rent or own this home? *
Do you have a fully fenced yard, with fencing all the way to the ground and no space underneath it? *
How tall is the fence if you have one?
Do you have other pets in your home? If so what are they, what sex and how old? *
Are you okay with following our advice regarding spaying and neutering? We dont like our pups fixed prior to the age of 2 years old for its overall well being, and health.  *
Our puppy price - depending on breed and sex - runs between $2500-$3000. Do you have this kind of money to spend on a well bred, purebred dog? *
In some instances we may have a potential show puppy that we would like to put in a home on a co-ownership so we can watch it mature, and potentially show it. Would you be open to a co-ownership on a potential show puppy? (People love going & cheering their dog on in the ring, its fun!) *
Both Dachshunds and Amstaffs/Pitbulls are a stubborn, and bold breed. Are you in agreement that you will raise your puppy in a firm but fair manner, with rules, boundaries and limitations? Please explain below: *
Lastly, tell us a little bit about your dog owning / showing / breeding experience? *
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